
Posts Tagged ‘Kitchen’

Do any of the following apply to you?

  1. It is time to replace those “standard” options in your home or the items that were in style at the time the house was built.
  2. The Kitchen cabinets are outdated and the appliances either don’t function as well or you would like energy efficient appliances. Even the countertops are worn and outdated. Quite frankly, you would like to maximize efficiency and space, and to add a bit of design flair to the most used room of the house.
  3. Your career has made a home office a necessity.
  4. Perhaps you have found yourself in the perfect location and unwilling to move but your house no longer accommodates your lifestyle?
  5. Or maybe, you finally had the opportunity to purchase a house in a highly-desirable neighborhood but the house really doesn’t suit you?
Kitchen Remodel "Before"

Kitchen Remodel "Before"

Kitchen Remodel "After"

Kitchen Remodel "After"














Tell me, what do you love (or hate) about your home? Which room in your house would be “perfect” if you could just make some changes?


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